Online Therapy


Have you heard about online counseling!?! Yeah, it’s a thing! But, does it work the same? Well, YES. It does! I was hesitant at first—trust me. I was afraid that there would be therapeutic disadvantages, but I was wrong. I have learned by providing online therapy nearly every day during covid-19 and since telehealth is just as effective as in-person therapy. Who knew?

It’s Convenient You don’t have to drive anywhere! You can squeeze your session into a lunch hour. You can be anywhere in Texas (really the US as long as your home base is in Texas). You and your partner don’t have to be in the same room—or the same city. You can each connect remotely on your own device. I don’t have to be in one place all of the time either, so it’s easier to connect our schedules.

It Feels Comfortable You set up wherever you’re the most comfortable—the couch, the kitchen table, or in your car outside of Wendy’s! You don’t have that awkward waiting room scene in a group practice office. You literally set the terms. You get to create the space where you feel safest.

Cutting Edge Technology Let’s face it, technology has changed our lives completely. The question is why not take advantage with online counseling? The technology is here!

Expand your options If you live in a small town in Texas, you may not have a lot of therapy options. But, by moving online, you can literally pick any counselor in Texas! Including ME!

Have questions? Ready to take the plunge? Call me at 512-522-6115 for a free, 20-minute phone consultation. OR, you can email me here to ask your questions. I’m happy to help, and I look forward to chatting together.


My fee for Online Counseling is $150 per 50-minute session